Monday, January 23, 2012

Inconspicuous Haircut

The other day I changed one of my regular inconspicuous consumptions for a cheaper version and the outcome was very pleasant.

I was in desperate need of a haircut. So, in my regular pattern, I texted my Aveda trained hair stylist. To my horror, her response informed me that she had moved. I went into an immediate panic. I've always been very particular about who cuts my hair and in recent years I have developed a strict criteria:
  • Aveda trained
  • Talks to me before touching or cutting my hair
This criteria has seems to always result in a steep price. I've been able to  justify the price tag by telling myself, "your hair is something you wear everyday."

I cringed at the idea of finding someone new to cut my hair. That takes both time and money and with both resources low, I needed a more viable solution to my problem. I decided to take my friend's advise and go to Great Clips. It took me some major mental prep to sit down in the strangers chair, but to my surprise, it had a decent outcome.

My inconspicuous consumption of my non-Aveda haircut has made me realize that the quality of the haircut is not always directly related to the price. I saved money and no one notices that my hair cut was not performed by an Aveda stylist.

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